
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

It's that time to announce the winner of my birthday giveaway! It's too bad I can't give everyone a prize. To choose the winner, I went to I input the number of comments, and the generator picked number 5. So the prize goes to Kadie! Congratulations!!  This is only my first giveaway, so you will have other chances to win something here on my blog. As always, thanks for visiting and come back soon!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Camera

I decided to get myself a little something for my 32nd birthday. Wow, 32... Let's not dwell on that. Anyway, I want to order a new digital SLR camera!  I'm trying to look for a good buy, but I'm not too keen on all the tech specs. If anyone has any input about a really good model, please enlighten me. I was looking at the Canon Rebel XS, but someone said that it's an overpriced camera that's not any better than the one I have. Currently I have a 6 year old Panasonic Lumix. Not sure on the model (too lazy to look). I get these errors sometimes when I turn it on. It says to turn it back off and on again which almost never works so I get mad at it and hit it and that works. The abuse must stop. What about this one? It's a Sony Alpha A230Y. It looks like it could do some cool things and capture my crochet stitches in all it's beauty. Help...
image from

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Birthday Giveaway!

Today is officially the first day of summer!! Yay! Not only is it the first day of summer, but it is also my birthday! It falls right on the border of Gemini and Cancer, but I would say I'm more of a Gemini.
(Image from
 For my birthday, I would love to have you celebrate with me, so I am having a giveaway for my followers. I will be giving away these lovely earrings and a matching cute crochet headband both handmade by yours truly!

All you have to do is be a follower of my blog and tell me what YOUR sign is in a comment below. Too easy! Be sure to leave an email address so I can contact you. The giveaway will end next Tuesday on the 28th of June. I will announce the winner on Wednesday the 29th! Open to all who follow my blog, international included. Feel free to blog about my giveaway too!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hand Painted Jeans

I have a pair of jeans that fit well, but I haven't worn them in a while because of a small stain. So I decided to give them new life and a makeover. I did a google search to get ideas on painting jeans. I found pretty cool designs and some videos with good tips on the subject. Unfortunately I didn't take a before pic or a during pic. Oops. But I do have a pic of the final outcome. Well, sorta final.

After I wash the jeans the black outline will be washed away. I used some images that I found online and traced them onto some tracing paper with a charcoal pencil. Then I rubbed the image onto the jeans and filled it in with gold acrylic paint. I used a medium that makes any acrylic paint into fabric paint. I turned the jeans inside out and heat set the paint with an iron. The videos with the tips can be found here.